In this edition of “Ask a Marine Biologist,” Dr. David Shiffman discusses osmoregulation and whether fish can adapt to different environmental conditions
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Dive clubs are a great way to expand your dive community, skills and experience. Follow along with one diver as she joins one of the world's largest dive clubs for an excursion off the coast of Baja California Sur.
Marine conservationist Rose Huizenga named the 2023 Seiko Sea Hero of the Year. She plans to use her $5,000 award from Seiko to fund five more years of empowering women through local coral restoration.
Ten years ago, nobody was tracking, researching or, most importantly, protecting Madagascar’s local whale shark population. This project, spearheaded by our November Sea Hero, changed everything.
Underwater filmmaker and nonprofit co-founder David Martin recognized as October's Seiko Sea Hero.
Hear from the Canadian conservation photojournalist believes in the power of imagery to effect change.
A former student of the University of Miami turned director of their shark conservation program, this shark researcher is dedicated to expanding opportunities in marine science education
Personal tragedy for a Vancouver Island native sparks a mission to give at-risk youth opportunities in diving.
Founder of Ocean Recovery Alliance delivers tools for nations, companies and individuals to curb plastic pollution