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Top 10 Reasons Why Diving is Better Than Football

By Scuba Diving Partner | Published On October 18, 2006
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Top 10 Reasons Why Diving is Better Than Football

Top 10 Reasons Why Diving is Better Than Football

10) The fish don't wear those silly little cheerleader costumes.

9) John Madden can't speak with a regulator shoved in his mouth.

8) If someone tries to tackle you while you're diving, at least you have a knife.

7) "Tight Ends" are more visible in wet suits.

6) You don't have to get permission from the quarterback to "go deep."

5) Tailgate parties are held at the Tiki bar.

4) Less chance of groin pulls when "going deep."

3) You don't need to wait till half time to pee.

2) You don't do the wave, the wave does you.

1) Unlike football players, divers rinse the spit off their facemasks.

Top 10 Reasons Why Diving is Better Than Football

10) The fish don't wear those silly little cheerleader costumes.

9) John Madden can't speak with a regulator shoved in his mouth.

8) If someone tries to tackle you while you're diving, at least you have a knife.

7) "Tight Ends" are more visible in wet suits.

6) You don't have to get permission from the quarterback to "go deep."

5) Tailgate parties are held at the Tiki bar.

4) Less chance of groin pulls when "going deep."

3) You don't need to wait till half time to pee.

2) You don't do the wave, the wave does you.

1) Unlike football players, divers rinse the spit off their facemasks.