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5 Ways to Preserve Coral Reefs

By Scuba Diving staff | Published On May 29, 2012
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5 Ways to Preserve Coral Reefs

Racoon Angelfish School

David Fleetham

1. Support marine protected areas. Let your elected officials know you support MPAs. Check out MPA initiatives at sites such as the National Marine Protected Areas Center ( Caribbean Marine Protected Area Management network ( and Pacific Fishery Management Council (

2. Protect coastal habitats. Contact USFWS at 703-358-2201 or visit ** **to learn how you can help.

3. Volunteer. Changes in ocean chemistry may affect corals' sustainability especially at Midway Atoll. To lean more about the work USFWS is doing at Midway, go to .

4. Reduce your use of plastics. Support local bans on plastic bags and similar efforts.

5. Inspire Others. It will take a planetful of informed people to ensure our coral reefs are intact for our grandchildren.

David Fleetham

1. Support marine protected areas. Let your elected officials know you support MPAs. Check out MPA initiatives at sites such as the National Marine Protected Areas Center ( Caribbean Marine Protected Area Management network ( and Pacific Fishery Management Council (

2. Protect coastal habitats. Contact USFWS at 703-358-2201 or visit ** **to learn how you can help.

3. Volunteer. Changes in ocean chemistry may affect corals' sustainability especially at Midway Atoll. To lean more about the work USFWS is doing at Midway, go to .

4. Reduce your use of plastics. Support local bans on plastic bags and similar efforts.

5. Inspire Others. It will take a planetful of informed people to ensure our coral reefs are intact for our grandchildren.