Trending Dive Spots: Salt Creek Recreation Area

Brandon ColeRock Greenling and Salt Creek Recreation Area
Rock Greenling
Salt Creek Recreation Area, Washington State
The shallow, rocky reefs and dense kelp beds off Tongue Point on Washington’s Olympic Peninsula host a stunning array of colorful, photogenic marine life. The rarely seen rock greenling—a holy grail for local fish geeks—lives here among swaying seagrasses and kelp, but you’ll need next-level critter-hunting skills and luck to find and photograph this cryptic beauty.
Related Reading: 5 Best Dive Sites on Oregon’s South Coast
Need To Know Sea conditions and shore access can be challenging. Choose days with small tidal exchanges, minimal wind and low-to-no swell. Dive at high tide, entering from a cove reached by descending a path near campsite No. 63. Visit for helpful info.
Photographer Brandon Cole (@brandondcole)