Andy Zunz Articles
The International Shark Attack File released its report on the amount of unprovoked shark attacks in 2017 and shark attack deaths in 2017.
Scientists and researchers used the hashtag #WowScienceFact on Twitter to share the most interesting facts they've learned while studying nature and more.
REEF is hosting several lionfish derbies throughout Florida to help reduce the population of invasive lionfish in the Gulf of Mexico and western Atlantic.
The new scuba diving computer Māoï by Thalatoo offers a heads-up display, bringing pertinent dive information right in front of your eyes.
Jenga released Jenga Ocean: a board game made from recycled fishing nets.
Cold-stunned sea turtles wash ashore in Florida and Texas after the water temperature falls below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.
The crew aboard the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Thetis made a startling discovery when it spotted an entangled loggerhead sea turtle caught amid $53 million worth of cocaine.
The best moments and video clips from the Blue Planet II ocean documentary on BBC.
Brutal videos and images of an injured shark being dragged behind a boat lead to criminal charges for three Florida men.