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Canary Islands Travel Guide

They've been called many things through the centuries--Atlantis, Elysian Fields, the seven roses of the Atlantic--but today the Canary Islands are calling to divers everywhere.

Micronesia Revealed (2004)

Sublime drop-offs and macabre wrecks make Palau and Truk Lagoon a glorious study in contrasts.

Ginnie Springs

This popular swimming hole has clear water and gregarious marine life--human and inflatable.

10 Things to Love About the Flower Garden Banks

World-class diving at backyard prices. Need another reason to dive the Flower Garden Banks? How about 10 of them.

Use Less Air, Get Perfect Buoyancy, Navigate With Ease

The three essential skills every diver must have, and 16 tips for a lifetime of better diving.

Shooting in Current

You've got three choices: Fight it, duck it, or give in and go with the flow.

Indonesia's Digital Shootout

In North Sulawesi, digital is the new paradigm for underwater imaging.

As the Reef Turns

A week on Bonaire's dive sites reveals more twisted plotlines than a year of daytime television.

Ken Ashman of Oceano, Calif.

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