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As the Reef Turns

A week on Bonaire's dive sites reveals more twisted plotlines than a year of daytime television.

Ken Ashman of Oceano, Calif.

Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week Ken Ashman Congratulations Ken Ashman ...

Stanley Holz of Whitefield, New Hampshire

Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week Stanley Holz Congratulations Stanley ...

Gary Hughes of Okinawa, Japan

Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week Gary Hughes Congratulations Gary ...

This Is Your Dive On Drugs

Prescription meds may save your health, but can they wreck your dive?

Top 10 Reasons Why Saddam Hussein Doesn't Dive

#8 He quivers every time he hears the word "tank."

We Learned From That: 3 DCS Cases

Plus answers to your questions about heart conditions and ear pains. Other questions covered: Did Decompression Sickness Cause My Exhaustion? Can DCS Cause Strokes? Can a Person Recover from Paralysis Caused by DCS?

Red Sea Travel Guide (2001)

A complete guide to diving Europe's Caribbean.

Top 10 Signs Your Dive Buddy Isn't as Experienced as He Claims to Be

#7 He thinks BC is a comic strip about a caveman. Scuba Diving's Top 10 Things Lists