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Buddy Diving: Legal Liabilities

If your dive buddy gets hurt or dies, could you be found liable in a court of law? In a word, yes.

The Right Attitude

Tips for staying horizontal when you have a camera in your hands. Plus, Stephen Frink answers reader questions.

Live-Aboard Listings

Ready to book a live-aboard vacation? We've got the most comprehensive list of live-aboard boats on the web, from the Arctic Ocean to the Turks & Caicos islands and everything in between.

Doug Hoenig of Fort Worth, Texas (May 2005)

Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week Doug Hoenig Congratulations Doug ...

Lazaro Ruda of Miami, Fla.

Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week Lazaro Ruda Congratulations Lazaro ...

Top Ten Signs That Your Dive Buddy Hates You

#7 When you give him the out of air sign, he passes you his snorkel.

21 Tips for Decompression Diving

Most divers are never taught proper deco technique in traditional diving courses. The key to responsible decompression dives is planning and preparing for the things that can go wrong.

Top 10 Reasons Why Diving is Better Than Football

#3 You don't need to wait till half time to pee.

The Search for the Perfect Gas

Should you breathe air, nitrox or trimix? It depends on the dive. See how nitrox and trimix stack up against the stuff you're used to inhaling.