2014 Underwater Photography Contest: Eye See You!
By Schyler Cox
Go eye to eye with 20 of the ocean's most curious creatures in this incredible photo gallery compiled from Scuba Diving Magazine's 2014 Underwater Photography Contest submissions. The eye is the focus here, and like most animals, these sea creatures can convey a stunning range of expression and emotion through their eyes. From the mantis shrimp's complex visual system to the friendly, gazing eyes of sea turtles, this gallery seems to look into the souls of a variety of sea creatures.
Winners of the 2014 Through Your Lens Photo Contest will be announced with the release of our September/October print issue.
To see all of the contest entries, go to scubadiving.com/photocontest.

Jeffrey de GuzmanThis might possibly be the cutest photo we have ever seen! Shot during a night dive, this tiny, 10mm baby golden octopus fearlessly stares at the camera, as if ready to play.
Location: Anilao, Batangas, Philippines

Nicholas SamarasA lesser weever shows off its bright, colorful eyes in this eerie macro photo.
Location: Chalkidiki, Greece

Lynn WuThe mantis shrimp possesses one of the animal kingdom's most complex eyes, so it is only fitting that its eyes be the focus of this shot. These amazing creatures can see UV, visible, and polarized light; perceive depth with one eye and move each eye independently.
Location: Anilao, Philippines

Raffaele LivorneseA very friendly pair of gobies stare at the photographer.
Location: Philippines

Jeffrey de GuzmanIn this amazing shot, a pygmy seahorse peers shyly at the camera, almost indiscernible from the coral it perches on.
Location: Lembeh, Indonesia

Martin KleinShrimp and photographer participate in a stare-down in this spectacular night diving image.
Location: Lembeh, Indonesia

Goos Van Der HeideThe crazy eyes of a gray moray eel pop out behind the intricately detailed face of a scorpionfish.
Location: Bangka Island, North Sulawesi, Indonesia

Jim SquiresThree goatfish gaze lazily at the camera as they line up for their nightly cleaning.
Location: Kona, Hawaii

Raffaele LivorneseDozens of eyes stare back at the camera in this amazingly detailed macro shot.
Location: Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt

Dmitry StarostenkovThis blenny only has eyes for the camera!
Location: Red Sea

Jeff LaFrenz"Good afternoon. We're gonna have a great jump today. OK, first crank a hard cutback as you hit the wall. There's a screaming bottom curve, so watch out. Remember: rip it, roll it, and punch it!" — Squirt.
Location: Komodo, Indonesia

Christian VizlThis shy crab was found hiding beneath a sea urchin.
Location: Sacatoso, Ixtapa, México

Henry MatherThis squid's shimmering colors pop against the dark ocean background.
Location: Blue Heron Bridge, Florida

Johnny ChiouA crab faces off with the photographer; its cross-eyed stare adds to the drama!
Location: Anilao Batangas, Philippines

Goos Van Der HeideA thorny seahorse faces the photographer head-on in this iconic photo, a rare sight for these shy creatures.
Location: Puerto Galera, Philippines

Christian VizlA small, but curious, fish looks through the spines of a sea urchin at the camera.
Location: Sacatoso, Ixtapa, México

Mark FullerThis eye-catching shot of a male cardinalfish shows him rotating the eggs brooding in his mouth, giving oxygen to his next offspring.
Location Eilat, Red Sea

Peter de MaagtThis humorous photo of a secretary blenny shows how expressive these tiny fish can be — this one seems to be looking for a fight!
Location: Grand Cayman

Marco GargiuloThis spectacular shot of an argonauta argo, more commonly known as the "paper nautilus," showcases its unique physical features.
Location: Marina Grande Sorrento, Italy

Alberto GallucciThis moray eel looks out at the photographer almost desperately as it is subjected to cleaning by two shrimp, lysmata seticaudata.
Location: Bergeggi, Ligurian Sea, Italy
By Schyler Cox
Go eye to eye with 20 of the ocean's most curious creatures in this incredible photo gallery compiled from Scuba Diving Magazine's 2014 Underwater Photography Contest submissions. The eye is the focus here, and like most animals, these sea creatures can convey a stunning range of expression and emotion through their eyes. From the mantis shrimp's complex visual system to the friendly, gazing eyes of sea turtles, this gallery seems to look into the souls of a variety of sea creatures.
Winners of the 2014 Through Your Lens Photo Contest will be announced with the release of our September/October print issue.
To see all of the contest entries, go to scubadiving.com/photocontest.