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Mediterranean Articles

Researchers: Basking Sharks Follow the Sun

Insight into the behavior of these sharks allows scientists to better understand the threats they face.

Best Ice Diving Destinations in the World

These ice-diving photos may seem crazy, but divers with the right training are quick to fall in love with this style of scuba diving. See what you're missing!

Scuba Diving Shipwrecks in the Baltic Sea - Underwater Exploration in Russia

The amazing story and photos from the underwater exploration of Imperial Russia’s frigate Oleg shipwreck by National Geographic photographer Viktor Lyagushkin.

11 Awesome Big-Animal Encounters for Advanced Scuba Divers

Dive in to adventure with tiger sharks in Fiji, hammerheads in the Galapagos, Humboldt squid in Mexico's Sea of Cortez and 8 more insane spots for big-animal scuba diving.

25 Advanced and Awesome Shipwrecks for Technical Scuba Divers to Explore

Ready to test your tec-diving skills? These shipwrecks from around the world are as advanced as it gets, but exploring their hidden treasures is an experience like no other.

Diving Malta's Wartime Shipwreck Graveyard Will Leave You In Awe

Each of the shipwrecks in Malta — many from World War I and World War II — has a story to tell, but to learn the secrets you have to don your scuba gear.

10 Underwater Shipwreck Photos That Will Take Your Breath Away

From Great Britain to Palau, the Baltic to the Red seas and Truk Lagoon — wherever you find wrecks, you'll find scuba divers. Here are some of our favorites!

Probably The Coolest Freediving Video You've Ever Seen

The video "Haven" features three world-record holding freedivers exploring wrecks and the deep blue Mediterranean Sea. You've gotta see this.