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Pacific Articles

Drive and Dive: Cold-Water Diving in British Columbia

Grab your drysuit and head for British Columbia, where divers will find green water rife with friendly sea lions and other marine life.

Diving with Schools of Barracuda

At Sipadan's Barracuda Point these amazing fish can be seen schooling in huge numbers, offering divers thrills and the chance to get great photos.

Record Breaking Photo: 9 Humpback Whales in Tonga

This incredible image is one in a million! Check out these beautiful humpback whales underwater in Tonga.

Search Called off for Foreign Divers Missing in Indonesia

A full-scale air and sea search was launched to try and locate the three Italians and one Belgian scuba divers, but the effort has been abandoned.

The Ultimate Diving Experience with Jean-Michel Cousteau in Fiji

Guests at Jean-Michel Cousteau Resort will dive with Coutseau and explore the ocean through the eyes of one of the world’s most renowned environmental heroes

Scuba Diving Trip Report: A Palau Primer

Experience the beauty of Palau's underwater world through the lens of photographer Judy G!

Palau Torches Illegal Fishing Vessels

Palau is the latest of the Pacific island nations to seize and destroy poachers' ships.

Where To Scuba Dive With Mako Sharks

Mako sharks. They might look like skinny great whites, but these lightning-fast sharks are in a league all their own. Here's where to scuba dive with them.

Geo Quiz August 2015

What South Pacific Nation covers over two million square miles of ocean, has the most exciting current diving in the world, and is in the same time zone as Hawaii?