Sri Lankan conservationist’s group mobilizes and educates volunteers to address marine environment concerns in his home country.
Sea Hero Articles
More than 30 years of marine conservation work led PADI Pro Carl Charter to shift his focus to what really matters: marine education, and creating opportunities for everyone to experience the beauty and wonder of the ocean.
For her dedication, many talents and passion for restoring species in her local community, Nancy Caruso is our March Sea Hero.
For her ingenuity and perseverance, Rose Huizenga is our February 2023 Sea Hero.
Founder of Sanriku Volunteer Divers, Hiroshi Sato is committed to cleaning natural-disaster debris, leading seaweed restoration efforts and training the next generation of mission-driven divers.
The conservationist secured local government grants to tackle marine pollution locally and championed a Hope Spot at Fish Rock, one of her favorite dive sites—all at age 15.
In the wake of Florida reopening its goliath grouper fishery, the co-owner of Pura Vida Divers secured protections for its aggregation sites.
Sá highlights the effects of climate change through his underwater films while supporting NGOs and the Portugese Kids Dive organization.
Higuera's 20 years documenting life around the Gulf of California and Revillagigedo Islands have substantially contributed to photo-ID databases of animals from manta rays to orcas.