Can sharks be kept at bay without harm? A scientist is testing an electromagnetic barrier off Cape Cod to find out.
Sharks Articles
Few divers would give up the chance to swim with the two largest fish in the sea—whale sharks and basking sharks. Here's where to make it happen.
Great whites get all the glory, but bottom-dwelling sharks bring plenty to the table. Here, we're looking at some of our favorite seabed shark species.
The nonprofit Orgcas is making major strides in shark conservation through science, communication, education and local tourism with the help of local fishermen.
Cage diving with great white sharks has come under fire in recent years. After the wake of Isla Guadalupe’s shark tourism closure, one diver journeys to South Australia, the birthplace of great white cage diving, in search of an ethical model for encountering the awe-inspiring species.
Pro Photographer Jay Clue shares some simple tips for getting epic photos of Oceanic White Tips and other pelagic sharks.
The organization ReShark works to help threatened shark populations bounce back in a unique way.
On Australia’s most easterly point, Nguthungulli Julian Rocks is a lesser-known spot with some of the best diving in Australia.
Californian scientist David A. Ebert, an expert in searching for sharks considered extinct, explores the coasts of Ecuador and northern Peru in search of clues about the sharpfin houndshark (Triakis acutipinna), a shark species that has not been recorded for over 60 years.