A fishing ban led to a recent resurgence of tiger sharks off Costa Rica’s Cocos Island. But experts say it will take more to restore harmony among the area’s apex predators.
Sharks Articles
During the study that led to this revelation, researchers looked at shark remains found in the scat of the leopard seals as well as visible signs of struggle on the seals’ bodies.
*Belize Aggressor IV's* 24 dives in six days explore a newly minted shark sanctuary with worldwide implications.
Fifty-one countries and the European Union have agreed on a two-year ban on the catch and retainment of shortfin makos.
Blackwater in West Palm Beach and shark diving in Grand Bahama delivers a one-two punch in a simple scuba trip.
A Florida diver’s lifelong dream to encounter sharks up close brings her to the Bahamas for a conservation liveaboard and chainmail diving.
Conservationists that don’t stay up to date on the scientific research are likely to endorse ineffective policy solutions, but when scientists and conservationists work together, both groups benefit.
Tuna, historically overfished, are on the road to recovery, but more sharks and rays are now listed as threatened with extinction, according to this month's IUCN Red List Update.
Ninety-six percent of the films included in the study represented sharks as potentially threatening to humans.