To save the life of an injured sea turtle, researches created a prosthetic jaw using 3-D printing technologies.
Turtles Articles
Want to get involved in sea turtle conservation? Here are some ways you can help!
Who loves turtles? You do! And we do too. Turtle lovers can dive with their favorite ocean friends all over the world;
We can't help it — we're totally turtle obsessed here at _Scuba Diving_ magazine. If you love them as much as we do, check out these amazing images and facts about these ancient marine reptiles!
Two freedivers jump in the water to help save an entangled sea turtle. You won't want to miss what happens next.
Are you ready for the cuteness overload? Check out these 19 amazing images of fish eggs, whale calves, baby sea turtles, juvenile sharks and more!
Of the nearly 700 photos submitted in 2013's Through Your Lens Underwater Photo Contest, _Scuba Diving_ received some great turtle photos. Come check out our readers' best images!
Puerto Rico protects leatherback hatching grounds.
Divers are drawn to Cocos Island as if on a pilgrimmage, but this teeming biodiversity hotspot is threatened by illegal fishing. Learn what you can do to help.