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Video: GoPro's Orca Rescue in 4K

This incredible video has never-before-seen footage of an orca being rescued from entanglement, filmed on a GoPro camera! You won't want to miss the end.

Video: How the Giant Squid was Captured on Film for the First Time

Giant squid almost have an amost mythical status, so it's no wonder that capturing one on film was such a big deal. Learn how researchers were able to find and record the giant squid in this TED talk featuring Oceanographic researcher Edith Widder.

Video: Drone Captures Footage of Whale Sharks and Mantas Feasting

An air-faring drone captured video of whale sharks and manta rays feasting on plankton off the coast of Isla Mujeres, Mexico — and the lucky snorkelers who joined them!

Rare White Orca Sighting

A rare white whale was spotted by researchers recently, making waves off the east coast of Russia.

9 Blue Whales Found Dead in Newfoundland

What killed nine blue whales in Newfoundland? Read here to find out what experts think.

Video: Whales Almost Eat Divers

Watch as divers near Souza Rock on the coast of Central California have a close call with Humpback Whales in this startling video.

Dive with Giants: The Caribbean's Big Animal Encounters

Where can you dive or snorkel with big animals in the Caribbean? Here are some of the best encounters with sharks, whales, and a host of other pelagics.

What It's Like... To Dive with a Blue Whale

Ever wondered what it's like to dive with the largest animal on the planet, the blue whale? Picture diving with an 18-wheel semi, and you're getting close.