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Digital Roundup

The newest and most noteworthy products in filmless underwater photography.

Going Digital

If you think you're finally ready to switch from film to pixels, answer a few simple questions to get yourself headed in the right direction.

Bill Nadeau of Nanaimo, BC

Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week Bill Nadeau Congratulations Bill ...

Chee Wee Tan of Singapore

Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week Chee Wee Tan Congratulations Chee Wee ...

Jim Matyszyk of Forestville, Conn.

Submit your photos for Photographer of the Week Jim Matyszyk Congratulations Jim ...

Top 10 Lies Veteran Divers Tell Newbies

#7 That rip on my BC? Shark attack.Morad Hassan of Savannah, Ga.

Top 10 Things You Won't Hear from a Dive Operator when Booking a Trip

#5 "That whale shark pictured in our brochure is the only one we've seen in 20 years of diving here."

Top 10 Things to Say to Avoid Being Buddied-up with Someone

#2 "Certification? Didn't that come with the wetsuit rental?" Tara of Manila, Philippines

Adventures in Live-aboard Diving

Make your next dive cruise your best vacation ever.