Dr. James Caruso answers a question about anxiety and diving, and discusses whether or not one should dive while medicated.
Dive Health Articles
In this installment, Eric Douglas explains the relationship between heart disease risks and waistline, and explains what it's like to be in cardiac rehab.
Do you get cramps or feel fatigue after scuba diving? It's probably not decompression sickness, so try these electrolyte solutions for a more comfortable post-dive experience.
Can you dive again after open-heart surgery? Author Eric Douglas tells the true story of his heart disease recovery in his latest installment: Lessons Learned.
Beta blockers and diving. Does high blood pressure really affect someones ability to dive?
Can you dive again after open-heart surgery? Author Eric Douglas tells the true story of his signs and symptoms of heart disease, and his road to recovery.
Is it normal to get nosebleeds after diving? James Caruso discusses whether or not you should be concerned.
Do you have medical questions about scuba diving? The Scuba Diving Doctor weighs in on whether it's ok to dive while you're pregnant.
Expert advice from the scuba diving doctor: Is it safe to dive if you're taking medicine for depression?