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Dive Health Articles

Can You Really Get Bent After One Dive?

Is it really possible to get bent after just one dive? The Diving Doctor weighs in.

Chest Pain After Scuba Diving? Ask the Dive Doctor About Symptoms and Concerns

I have chest pain after scuba diving, along with shortness of breath and a hoarse voice. Is there something seriously wrong, and should I see a doctor?

Successful Return to Scuba Diving After Open Heart Surgery | Heart Disease & Diving Chapter 6

Are there any restrictions on scuba diving after having heart surgery? Do you have to tell the dive shop about your heart medications? Find your answers.

Tests and Limitations for Diving after Heart Surgery | Heart Disease & Diving Chapter 5

Are there any restrictions on scuba diving after having heart surgery? Do you have to tell the dive shop about your heart medications? Find your answers.

How Long Should You Wait to Scuba Diving After Getting DCS (aka the Bends)

Ask the Scuba Diving Doctor: If you get bent after scuba diving, how long do you need to wait before you can go dive again safely?

How to Exercise for Scuba Diving

Believe it or not, there are many reasons why you should hit the gym before your next dive.

How to Treat Coral Stings

You had a run-in with stinging coral? Find out how to prevent and treat coral stings in this article.

Scuba Diving & Heart Disease: Risks of Diving After Cardiac Arrest

In this installment, Eric Douglas explains what happens when you have a heart attack, and if it's safe to scuba dive after going into cardiac arrest.

The Real-Life Superheroes of Scuba Diving

Meet the Heroes of Diving: 5 scuba divers who have dedicated their lives to a life of service to their fellow man and the underwater world that they love.