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Dive Health Articles

Mal de Mer No More

Seasickness is no way to begin a dive. Here's how to stop it before it starts.

Can I Dive With Asthma, Diabetes, Cancer, or Heart Disease, and after suffering DCS and Pneumothorax?

Bad news from your doctor doesn't have to mean the end of your diving career. Here's the current thinking on diving with asthma, diabetes, cancer, and heart disease, and after suffering DCS and pneumothorax.

First Aid for Divers

In a scuba-diving emergency, every second counts. Don't waste a single one wondering what to do.

The Tobacco Effect

Are cigarettes sending your dive career up in smoke?

The Wetsuit Workout

Out of shape for diving? Dive stronger, breathe better, and look lean in your neoprene. Exercises to make you a stronger, fitter diver.

Heart-Smart Diving

What you need to know about the most common cause of diving deaths.

Boost Your Bottom Time

Six ways to improve your breathing and get more mileage out of every tank.

Diving with Diabetes

Can you or can't you? The seas are finally settling on this tumultuous debate.

Dive Training Tips: The Diver's Mouth

Dive Training, Safety, Skills and Medicine: How to beat jaw pain and make sure your teeth don't explode under water.